How to convert Valve Pressure PSI, BAR and MPA?

PSI and MPA conversion, PSI is a pressure unit, defined as the British pound/square inch, 145PSI = 1MPa, and PSI English is called Pounds per square in. P is a Pound, S is a Square, and i is an Inch. You can calculate all units with public units: 1bar≈14.5PSI, 1PSI = 6.895kpa = 0.06895bar Europe and the United States and other countries are used to using PSI as a unit.

In China, we generally describe the pressure of the gas in “kg” (instead of “pound”). The body unit is “KG/CM^2″, and the pressure of one kilogram is the force of one kilogram on one square centimeter.

The units commonly used abroad are “PSI”, and the specific unit is “LB/In2″, which is “pound/square inch”. This unit is like the temperature label (F).

In addition, there are PA (Pascal, one Newton is on one square meter), KPA, MPA, BAR, millimeter water column, millimeter mercury and other pressure units.

1 Bar (BAR) = 0.1 MPa (MPA) = 100 Knaka (KPA) = 1.0197 kg/square centimeter

1 Standard atmospheric pressure (ATM) = 0.101325 MPa (MPA) = 1.0333 Bar (BAR)

Because the unit difference is very small, you can remember this:

1 Bar (BAR) = 1 Standard atmospheric pressure (ATM) = 1 kg/square centimeter = 100 kilo (KPA) = 0.1 MPa (MPA)

The conversion of PSI is as follows:

1 Standard atmospheric pressure (ATM) = 14.696 pound/inch 2 (PSI)

Pressure conversion relationship:

Pressure 1 Bar (BAR) = 10^5 Pa (PA) 1 Dadin/cm 2 (dyn/cm2) = 0.1 Pa (PA)

1 Terr = 133.322 Pa (PA) 1 mm Hg (mmHg) = 133.322 Pa (PA)

1 mm water column (mmh2O) = 9.80665 Pa (PA)

1 Engineering atmospheric pressure = 98.0665 kite (KPA)

1 Knipa (KPA) = 0.145 pounds/inch 2 (PSI) = 0.0102 kg/cm 2 (kgf/cm2) = 0.0098 atmospheric pressure (ATM)

1 pound force/inch 2 (PSI) = 6.895 kenta (KPA) = 0.0703 kg/cm 2 (kg/cm2) = 0.0689 Bar (bar) = 0.068 atmospheric pressure (ATM)

1 Physical atmospheric pressure (ATM) = 101.325 Kenpa (KPA) = 14.696 pounds/inch 2 (PSI) = 1.0333 Bar (BAR)

There are two types of valves: one is the “nominal pressure” system represented by Germany (including my country) at normal temperature (in China is 100 degrees and Germany is 120 degrees). One is the “temperature pressure system” represented by the US represented at a certain temperature at a certain temperature.

Among the temperature and pressure system in the United States, except for 150LB based on 260 degrees, the other levels at all levels are based on 454 degrees.

The 250 -pound (150PSI = 1MPa) No. 25 carbon steel valve was 260 degrees, and the allowable stress was 1MPa, and the use stress at room temperature was much larger than 1MPa, about 2.0MPa.

Therefore, in general, the nominal pressure level corresponding to the US standard 150LB is 2.0MPa, and the nominal pressure level corresponding to 300LB is 5.0MPa and so on.

Therefore, you cannot change the nominal pressure and temperature level according to the pressure transformation formula.

Post time: Sep-11-2023